Halloween - Cake !

| Postat i: Allmänt
Haay, Natalie here! ;D
So first of all, HAPPY HALLOWEEN !! 
Sooo today I've kinda done...nothing. Hah, well I watched some One Tree Hill with Tanja...uh and we made some "kladdkaka" heheh dunno the english term for that .. uh wait *google translating* ...............choclate cake  ?? ..mmhm i guess that's it. ;o
here's some pics .. ;)

We used Arlas Kladdkaka-recipe to make this...ahhm well we wrote it with a slight diffrent twist hahah 
Picked these from my garden the other day, love roses *-* !
We throwed in some food coloring to make it less boring hahah
*Drumroll* the endresult !!
Have a great evning ! / Laei
Hittills till Halloween - Cake !

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