Halloween - Cake !

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Haay, Natalie here! ;D
So first of all, HAPPY HALLOWEEN !! 
Sooo today I've kinda done...nothing. Hah, well I watched some One Tree Hill with Tanja...uh and we made some "kladdkaka" heheh dunno the english term for that .. uh wait *google translating* ...............choclate cake  ?? ..mmhm i guess that's it. ;o
here's some pics .. ;)

We used Arlas Kladdkaka-recipe to make this...ahhm well we wrote it with a slight diffrent twist hahah 
Picked these from my garden the other day, love roses *-* !
We throwed in some food coloring to make it less boring hahah
*Drumroll* the endresult !!
Have a great evning ! / Laei

Good morning!

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So now I've just eaten breakfast with Elajno and Emma. We had a nice day yesterday, first basketball practice and then we went home to Emma for a while and then we went to Elina to watch à horror movie ..Fun to fall asleep before the movie even began. And now we are looking at She's the man with Channing Tatum ;))



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Heeya, Natalie here! ;D
I'm hanging with my dog Oki, he's kinda thuuug, isn't he? ;)
- Laei

Vampire Diaries

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Chilling with ma sister from another mister Elaajno!! Watching VD after à fun night with fun people and training! ;)



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Waaazup, hoe's! ;D 
We're just sitting in school waiting for the next lesson to start with our boooring teacher...
Btw, we just saw a picture on posh24 of Shia Labeouf and wtf is up with his hair ?!?!? He was soo much hotter before he grew out all of that hair.. It should've stayed inside his head -.- 
Which one do u prefer?
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/ Laei & Diaz


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So this design was made by our friend Katalin Litavsky and the inspiration also came from her blog. So we just wanna thank her for this wonderful design, we are truly greatful! love ya kattis <3 
/ Laei & Diaz

Hot bitches!

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Yoo bro's just trying out this blog thing on my phone ;)



Hall of Faaame ~

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Heeya! ;D 
So I'm working on a video with this song atm, we'll see how it goes hahah!
-this song is amaziing-

The Other Guys

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Hejjsan, såå nu har jag äntligen kommit hem från skolan.. Och ligger i soffan utan mitt dagliga glas med cola men får la hoppas att de snart kommer haha ;D Kollar i allafall på The Other Guys, det är en väldigt kul film, orkar inte berätta vad den handlar om men lägger ut trailern iaf. 


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